Ron Finemore’s rise and adoption of Guardian
For more than 60 years Ron Finemore has led Australia’s logistics and transport game. Ron’s enduring adherence to long-standing basic values has seen Ron Finemore Transport consolidate its footprint across all of eastern Australia. Ron Finemore now serves customers from Rockhampton to Adelaide.
Ron stands apart from his competitors by embracing the latest in advancements in safety and technology innovation. Ron’s trademark simplicity as he explained is premised upon doing what he does and doing that well. Finemore started in the transport game in 1962, building a fordable reputation over the next forty years that culminated in Finemore Holdings being crowned GM Supplier of the Year for logistics three years running.
In 2001 Finemore Holdings was bought out by Toll in 2001. However, Ron had no intention of leaving the transport industry that prematurely. In 2004, Ron launched Ron Finemore Transport. Today, Ron Finemore Transport employs more than 700 staff, a fleet of 280-plus prime movers and depots in Wagga Wagga, Orange, Wodonga, and Goulburn. Ron Finemore Transport also maintains a presence in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne, strategically positioning his business to serve regional communities.
Ron Finemore’s trademark simplicity and success has been built upon his adherence to the safety of his truckies and those who share the roads with them. Every truck in Ron Finemore’s fleet is fitted with Seeing Machines’ Guardian Driver Monitoring System Technology. In every truck that Ron Finemore Transport operates Seeing Machines forward and driver-facing cameras record both the driver’s eye and the road ahead. If Guardian senses a fatigue evident has occurred, it will alert the driver through an audio and seat vibration alert. These fatigue events are monitored remotely from the fleet control room in Wodonga.
Seeing Machine’s Driver Monitoring System Technology facilitates technology to be proactive rather than reactive, keeping both Ron’s truck drivers safe but also the drivers that share the road with Ron Finemore’s formidable fleet. In Ron’s experience, our Driver Monitoring System Technology acts as both a shield and swords for his drivers, often exonerating his drivers from blame in any incidents.
Read more about Ron’s impressive career in the Australian Transport News article.